dinsdag 18 juni 2013

Hi everyone!!!!

Sorry I only now but I have to come behind me even introduce myself.I'm Demre Karatas, better known as Sweety Girl, I'm 13 (next Friday 21 June 14 years) years old. My hobbies are tennis, Twitter, learning (important for your future! Believe me) and chill with friends. My school is The Griftland College in Soest. If that is not a well-known name is, it makes sense because I live in Netherlands. Furthermore, I have many dreams. For example, I would really like to Yale University in New Haven and I do my best for there therefore very. So people who work on Yale, if you read this, please take me to your University. My favorite subjects are history and Economics and I plan to also make those boxes later. This was it! If you have any questions, email me. demre_x36@hotmail.nl. O, I'm also a huge fan of Luke Bilyk and Rihanna. Just so you know. Hahaha 

Live, Love, Laugh 

Sweety Girl

I'm the girl with the pink shirt!!!!!!!!!

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

hi sweetiegirl i want you to know that i think you look very good and you are very beautiful :*